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As part of this research, I am using EEG to analyse brain activity during hazard perception and risk analysis tasks. As EEG involves traditionally static stimuli, in order to eliminate ocular artefacts and to have accurate event markers to produce a stereotyped Event Related Potential (ERP), I was faced with the option of reducing ecological validity by using static imagery or finding another approach. I turned to other areas in psychology for an alternative methodology and stumbled across the use of Eye Fixation Related Potentials (EFRP) in the reading literature. Reading suffers the same issues as driving in that looking at single words presented in the centre of the screen is not “reading” (Baccino, 2012).

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The lab has evolved over the space of a year, as we moved in to our purpose built Science Centre – this allowed us to bring in newer equipment and software.

This involves participants watching a rendered driving scene where they must press a button when they observe an evolving hazard. An evolving hazard is one that requires the driver to take evasive action, either slowing down or altering their direction. If participants identify the hazard within a specific scoring window, they will be awarded 5 points through to 1 point. Participants are allowed to press the “Hazard” button as many times as they like – all of which is necessary to record.