The SetDrawEnv command now causes a currently-being-edited arc, polygon, or Bezier to be selected so that the SetDrawEnv settings also apply to the object being edited.
Right-click of an arc being edited now presents the contextual menu that any other selected drawing object has.

Colored sliders use only the hue from the supplied fcolor, like Igor 7 and 8.
Changed appearance of disabled Slider controls when using the Fusion style so that they actually look disabled.
The CtrlNamedBackground operation's dialogsOK keyword was previously documented as defaulting to 1. However, in Igor 9 the default was inadvertently changed to 0. No one has complained, and 0 is safer, so we are leaving the default as 0 and changing the documentation. This means that, by default, a named background task will not run when a dialog is active.

A new beta release of Igor Pro 9 is now available for all platforms. A list of notable changes for this release is included below. If you've reported an issue to us and we've told you it's been fixed, the fix will be included in this release, even if it's not mentioned below.

o 线延续。
o <<, >>, ++, 和 –-运算符。
o 将彩色的进程文本粘贴到html感知的应用程序中。