Visualize Your Process
Cloning is easier when you can see what you are doing. The intuitive interface offers you unparalleled visibility into your work, simplifying often complex tasks.
Display enzyme sites, features, primers, ORFs, translations and more on plasmid maps or in detail on the sequence view
Customize your maps with flexible annotation and visualization controls
Align sequences using trusted algorithms for pairwise and multiple alignments, including Clustal Omega, MAFFT, MUSCLE and T-Coffee
Assemble Sanger sequencing reads into complete contigs using CAP3
Large collection of MW markers
Features / Annotations
Create and edit features
Automatic annotation of common features
Annotate novel features manually
Choose Alternative Codons
Sophisticated numbering of feature translations
Support for ribosomal slippage
View and edit translated features
Open reading frames (ORFs)
Whole-sequence translations
Check reading frames for gene fusions
Make Protein (from DNA)
Reverse Translate (from Protein)
Align DNA sequences with a reference sequence
Verify cloning or mutagenesis
Align cDNA to a chromosome
Pairwise and multi sequence DNA and Protein alignment
Choice of alignment algorithms - Clustal Omega, MAFFT, MUSCLE, T-Coffee
Contig Assembly
See multiple views of a DNA sequence
Large sequence support - browse chromosome size sequences
Edit DNA and protein sequences
Color code sequences
History Tracking
Comprehensive “undo” capability
See a graphical history of a product
Use optional history colors to identify the most recent change to a sequence
Data Management
Import from common file formats including annotations and notes
Export to standard formats
Create and share Collections
Share data with SnapGene Viewer
Run batch operations
Search for DNA or protein sequences
Search for enzymes, features or primers
Cross platform compatibility - Windows, macOS, Linux