If the P.I. feature is enabled, then all studies must have a P.I. specified. The main difference between a P.I. account and a researcher account is that researchers have the option to receive routine emails from the system about their study, for example, receiving a notification any time a participant signs up or cancels, while the P.I. has no such option.

Sona Systems is here to help researchers transition lab studies to online studies during this uncertain time, and transition back to lab studies once things return to normal

Multilanguage Support
Our software is currently available for participants in several languages in addition to English, including Spanish, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Japanese, Korean, French, German, Turkish, Portuguese, Hebrew, Polish, Czech and Russian, and for researchers in English and Japanese. If the preferred language is different from the above, users are still able to seamlessly enter data, like study names and prescreen questions, into the English interface.

We make it easy for researchers to integrate their studies with popular survey tools, while tracking participation and managing eligibility.