Thermo Scientifi c GRAMS Suite –
A Solution for Visualizing, Processing,
and Managing Spectroscopy Data
使用其特的SmartConvert™技术,GRAMS套件与数百种不同仪器控制应用程序的数据文件兼容,包括Agilent/HP, Beckman, Bio-Rad, Bruker, Gilson,日立,PerkinElmer, Shimadzu, Varian和Waters/ Micromass。
GRAMS / 3D光谱软件 直接在桌面上实时处理大型3D数据集,以发现隐藏在多维数据集中的有价值的光谱信息。 可视化3D数据集
With GRAMS/AI users can create customized environments for viewing, reporting,
and processing their data. Multi-page
workbooks store specifi c data display preferences; customized workbook pages, or even
automated automation to perform specifi c
functions or process data. Workbooks allow
insertion of drawing objects including annotations, lines, and arrows. Use the included
Design Science Equation Editor to add mathematical formulas. Even add buttons directly
on the workspace and link them to macros
or other common functions to create a
custom data work-up environment. An integrated Toolbar Builder makes it easy to add
buttons for one-click access to frequently
used applications or display modes. All user
confi gurations can be stored in a Workbook
fi le which can be used over and over again
with different data sets.