Versatile Search Options
Spectral ID combines proven and powerful
search algorithms with a number of pre-fi lter
options to give quick and accurate qualitative
identifi cations. Users can combine Text, Peak,
and Full Spectrum searches, select specifi c
spectral regions or whole spectra and even automatically remove the spectrum of a match
from the spectrum of a mixture sample, then
search the remainder spectrum again.

GRAMS IQ - Powerful Tools for Easy
Creating robust chemometric models generally requires trying out many different approaches to working up the data. GRAMS
IQ is designed to make this process as simple
as possible for both qualitative and quantitative models. GRAMS IQ provides the user
with the tools to create, maintain, and extend
chemometric data sets. Spectral fi les can be
quickly added - including foreign formats using
SmartConvert. GRAMS IQ records the training sample information as well as allowing the
user to enter custom information about each
sample, if desired. Unique tools allow the user
to create multiple combinations of modeling
conditions to investigate as a series of separate
“experiments”. Relationships between these
experiments are recorded and displayed for the

An extensive library of built-in
data processing routines provides users with
tools to analyze virtually any type of instrument data. From simple data smoothing to
advanced peak fi tting to tools for specifi c
instrument types, GRAMS/AI tracks all
fi le changes in the fi le’s Audit Log section,
providing results with confi dence.

One Tool for Multiple Instruments
GRAMS/AI can work with data from nearly
any kind of analytical instrument including
optical spectroscopy (FTIR, Raman, NIR,
UV-Vis, Fluorescence), NMR, and hyphenated techniques (LC/GC-MS, LC-PDA). Data
can be directly read from its original format
using the GRAMS Suite SmartConvert™
technology, which automatically recognizes
hundreds of different fi le formats.