ISO 9001:2015 certification ensures that companies provide medical devices and related services that consistently meet customer and regulatory requirements. In order to obtain this certification, PST has demonstrated its ability to successfully implement a comprehensive management system that meet these regulatory requirements.
For my own PhD research, E-Prime is essential not only for the presentation of stimuli but also for controlling external peripherals and guaranteeing timing. My research concerns the role of experience in driving and the impact of this on driving performance – driving and road usage involves a level of risk that many would not accept in other activities – almost 1,800 people will die on UK roads this year (Department of Transport, 2017). My aim is to investigate the underlying human factors that contribute to driving performance and ultimately, to design interventions that reduce the skill gap between novice and experienced drivers.

This involves participants watching a rendered driving scene where they must press a button when they observe an evolving hazard. An evolving hazard is one that requires the driver to take evasive action, either slowing down or altering their direction. If participants identify the hazard within a specific scoring window, they will be awarded 5 points through to 1 point. Participants are allowed to press the “Hazard” button as many times as they like – all of which is necessary to record.

设计, 收集, 分析。
E-Prime在60多个国家/地区的研究机构和实验室拥有100,000多名用户,是的行为实验软件。 E-Prime为计算机化的实验设计,数据收集和分析提供了一个真正易于使用的环境。 E-Prime提供毫秒级的计时,以确保数据的准确性。 E-Prime灵活地创建简单到复杂的实验对于新手和用户都是理想的选择。

Quickly start an experiment from any List
Interactively run List rows for debugging purposes