The lab has evolved over the space of a year, as we moved in to our purpose built Science Centre – this allowed us to bring in newer equipment and software.
At present, we the EEG triggers the old fashioned way but intend to upgrade to the E-Prime Extensions for Brain Products on the basis of how simple the EETs are to integrate.
The jewel in the crown, however, is E-Prime 3.0. E-Prime 3.0 allows us to control and connect all manner of external peripherals. We use the E-Prime Extensions for Tobii Pro to integrate the eye tracker into our research, and the EET’s allow us to mark data with precise timing and accuracy using a local server on the stimulus PC.
The current lab set up uses two high-powered custom built PCs with hardware from Tobii Pro, Brain Products GmbH and AD Instruments, providing us with a battery of tools to comprehensively measure a variety of cognitive and physical responses. Running on the stimulus PC is E-Prime 3.0 and Tobii Pro Lab, and I am using a Tobii TX-300 and a customised Tobii I-VT filter to reduce noise in the eye tracking data.