Qualitative Material Identifi cation using
Spectral Library Searching
Spectral pattern matching or “library searching” is one of the most effi cient and effective methods for qualitative identifi cation
of compounds, and Spectral ID is the most
comprehensive searching software available.
Fast and easy to use, it is compatible with
Mass Spectrometry, IR, Raman, UV-Vis,
Fluorescence and NIR data.
Powerful Data Processing
Fast and fl exible data processing puts
GRAMS/AI at the forefront of spectroscopy
software. An extensive library of built-in
data processing routines provides users with
tools to analyze virtually any type of instrument data. From simple data smoothing to
advanced peak fi tting to tools for specifi c
instrument types, GRAMS/AI tracks all
fi le changes in the fi le’s Audit Log section,
providing results with confi dence.
Workbooks allow
insertion of drawing objects including annotations, lines, and arrows. Use the included
Design Science Equation Editor to add mathematical formulas.
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