and Asia-Pacific hours to provide customers with personalized support in case they encounter any obstacles. Backups are made once a day and stored in separate off-site secure data centers. Customer sites are accessible through a robust network that includes full support for IPv6 – the next generation of Internet technology, and an option for SSO (Single Sign-On) authentication.
This allows a P.I. to operate as an overseer and monitor the progress of their studies, as well as step in on behalf of the researcher when necessary. Because the privileges are the same, throughout this documentation the term “researcher” can be used interchangeably with “principal investigator” except where noted otherwise.
Students renew their energy and excitement for science, learn about the latest scientific discoveries, and gather to watch schools of fish circle our diver at the SPSP 2018 student social.
The platform enables researchers to view who has signed up for their study and grant credit or track a participant's activity.