NMR Application Pack: 1D NMR data
processing; includes a unique one-step
routine that can perform a complete data
work-up on FID signals including FFT,
phase, integrate, and peak identifi cation
Versatile Search Options
Spectral ID combines proven and powerful
search algorithms with a number of pre-fi lter
options to give quick and accurate qualitative
identifi cations. Users can combine Text, Peak,
and Full Spectrum searches, select specifi c
spectral regions or whole spectra and even automatically remove the spectrum of a match
from the spectrum of a mixture sample, then
search the remainder spectrum again.
IR/Raman Application Pack: ATR pathlength correction, Interferogram compute,
Kramers-Kronig transform, Raman shift
correction, and a CCD spectrometer
calibration routine.
UV/VIS/NIR Application Pack: Performs
popular colormetric analyses such as
L*A*B and L*U*V using all standard
CIE illuminants.
Envision 经过全新设计,可与外部系统无缝集成;它得益于 Microsoft™ .NET 开发环境,具备便于配置的菜单、灵活的屏幕架构和可扩展的模块式设计。