One Tool for Multiple Instruments
GRAMS/AI can work with data from nearly
any kind of analytical instrument including
optical spectroscopy (FTIR, Raman, NIR,
UV-Vis, Fluorescence), NMR, and hyphenated techniques (LC/GC-MS, LC-PDA). Data
can be directly read from its original format
using the GRAMS Suite SmartConvert™
technology, which automatically recognizes
hundreds of different fi le formats.
An extensive library of built-in
data processing routines provides users with
tools to analyze virtually any type of instrument data. From simple data smoothing to
advanced peak fi tting to tools for specifi c
instrument types, GRAMS/AI tracks all
fi le changes in the fi le’s Audit Log section,
providing results with confi dence.
Broad Data File Compatibility
Using its unique SmartConvert™ technology,
the GRAMS Suite is compatible with data
fi les from hundreds of different instrument
control applications including Agilent/HP,
Beckman, Bio-Rad, Bruker, Gilson, Hitachi,
PerkinElmer, Shimadzu, Varian and Waters/
Micromass. The GRAMS Suite also supports
a number of general-purpose data formats
such as SPC, ASCII, JCAMP, and AnDI/
NetCDF. For storing data, all GRAMS
Suite applications utilize the universal SPC
fi le format enabling scientists to share data
One Tool for Multiple Instruments
GRAMS/AI can work with data from nearly
any kind of analytical instrument including
optical spectroscopy (FTIR, Raman, NIR,
UV-Vis, Fluorescence), NMR, and hyphenated techniques (LC/GC-MS, LC-PDA).