Compare performance of different calibrations using qualitative selection criteria to choose the optimal calibration for the sample being analyzed

Network Enabled
With the optional Spectral ID Server software, organizations that routinely and widely
use spectral searching can share and centrally
manage spectral libraries. The Spectral ID
user software can perform searches on the
central server collections, or use libraries on
the local PC. For more information, see the
Enterprise Solutions section of this brochure.

Data Compatibility
Spectral ID is compatible with more data
than any other spectral search product on
the market. Users can easily create their own
custom library collections and add spectra
easily using the QuickAdd feature, or by importing entire directories or lists of raw data
fi les. Commercial spectral library collections
from Aldrich, Chemical Concepts, Thermo
Scientifi c Omnic, NIST, Wiley, and other
vendors can be combined with custom-built
collections to give users broad coverage of
compounds in a single search.

An integrated Toolbar Builder makes it easy to add
buttons for one-click access to frequently
used applications or display modes. All user
confi gurations can be stored in a Workbook
fi le which can be used over and over again
with different data sets.