with colleagues easily and analyze it at their
desks rather than occupying valuable instrument workstations. In addition, GRAMS/AI
includes the GRAMS Convert application,
which can be used to quickly and easily fi nd,
identify, and convert all supported foreign
data fi les to the SPC fi le format at once

Customization and Programming
With GRAMS/AI, users can create their
own custom data processing applications.
The integrated Macro Wizard allows linking
of existing routines together with no formal
programming to accommodate repetitive
experimental needs. Advanced users can
take advantage of the embedded Array
Basic™ programming language to develop
customized routines to solve virtually any
analytical problem.

The Industry Standard
Application for Data Processing
and Visualization
GRAMS/AI is a comprehensive data
processing, visualization and reporting
package which forms the core of the
GRAMS Suite. Its advanced processing
routines, data comparison and visualization
features and its ability to handle data from
virtually any analytical instrument have set
the industry standard in scientifi c software

GRAMS Convert – can intelligently scan multiple
directories converting known fi le formats into the
industry standard GRAMS .SPC format