o XLLoadWave ((加载Excel文件).
o MLLoadWave (加载Matlab的MAT文件,需要Matlab 2010b或更高版本).
o JCAMPLoadWave (加载JCAMP-DX光谱数据).
o GBLoadWave (加载一般二进制数据).
o SoundLoadWave and SoundSaveWave (loads and saves sound files).

Hundreds of pre-programmed analysis and control commands for rapid algorithm development
Create custom GUIs with controls that perform analyses and display results

Colored sliders use only the hue from the supplied fcolor, like Igor 7 and 8.
Changed appearance of disabled Slider controls when using the Fusion style so that they actually look disabled.
The CtrlNamedBackground operation's dialogsOK keyword was previously documented as defaulting to 1. However, in Igor 9 the default was inadvertently changed to 0. No one has complained, and 0 is safer, so we are leaving the default as 0 and changing the documentation. This means that, by default, a named background task will not run when a dialog is active.

The WaveTracking operation now has a /Q flag to suppress the history printout when you use the dump keyword. Also, if you use the dump keyword in tracker mode, a string variable "S_waveTracker" is created with a carriage-return separated list of keyword-value strings with information on the tracked waves.