Notable Changes in Igor Pro 9.02 Beta 1
New Signing Certificate
This is the first official beta release of Igor Pro since Sutter Instrument purchased WaveMetrics in September 2022. Due to how the purchase was executed, WaveMetrics was required to get new code signing certificates for both platforms, and these new certificates are used starting with this release.

Colored sliders use only the hue from the supplied fcolor, like Igor 7 and 8.
Changed appearance of disabled Slider controls when using the Fusion style so that they actually look disabled.
The CtrlNamedBackground operation's dialogsOK keyword was previously documented as defaulting to 1. However, in Igor 9 the default was inadvertently changed to 0. No one has complained, and 0 is safer, so we are leaving the default as 0 and changing the documentation. This means that, by default, a named background task will not run when a dialog is active.

Flexible Purchase Options
Choose from three convenient purchasing options to select a license that's right for your needs: Standard, Academic, or Student.

Igor Pro新版完全重写了Gizmo:
o 现在Gizmo窗口和对话框功能类似于其他窗口类型和对话框。
o 常规的Igor注释,例如文本框和颜色刻度,现在可以添加到Gizmo窗口。
o Gizmos现在也可以托管在其他窗口类型,如图形、布局和控制面板。
o 新的Gizmo图像和3D bar对象。
o 数字标签文本渲染得到了极大的改进。