The current lab set up uses two high-powered custom built PCs with hardware from Tobii Pro, Brain Products GmbH and AD Instruments, providing us with a battery of tools to comprehensively measure a variety of cognitive and physical responses. Running on the stimulus PC is E-Prime 3.0 and Tobii Pro Lab, and I am using a Tobii TX-300 and a customised Tobii I-VT filter to reduce noise in the eye tracking data.

For my own PhD research, E-Prime is essential not only for the presentation of stimuli but also for controlling external peripherals and guaranteeing timing. My research concerns the role of experience in driving and the impact of this on driving performance – driving and road usage involves a level of risk that many would not accept in other activities – almost 1,800 people will die on UK roads this year (Department of Transport, 2017). My aim is to investigate the underlying human factors that contribute to driving performance and ultimately, to design interventions that reduce the skill gap between novice and experienced drivers.

Experiment Library with pre-built experiments to download
New Task Event for executing user
New Samples and Templates

At present, we the EEG triggers the old fashioned way but intend to upgrade to the E-Prime Extensions for Brain Products on the basis of how simple the EETs are to integrate.